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High Risk Cryptocurrency Investing

Cryptocurrency is unlicensed and unregulated and any cryptocurrency opportunity that “guarantees” asting returns needs to be treated with extreme caution.

Investing in anything cryptocurrency carries risks, some high, some low. I’m going to take a look at both. 

Ultra high risk

If you’re looking at investing in cryptocurrency, then there are many ways to do that. 
If the company are offering a return on your investment by “investing” your deposit in diverse projects then its a scam.
Absolutely, 100% guaranteed, nailed on scam wihout exception.


This company Primera Capital is so utterly ludicrous that why anyone would ever consider sending money to them is beyond me.
Send them a chunk of cash and they will guarantee eye watering returns by investing in cannabis, transport, real estate etc.

Click on this image to go and see what a shockingly awful Ponzi scam website looks like (if they haven't folded)

Investmnet? – these scammers can’t even be bothered to correct spelling mistakes on their website. They offer a 10% return on your money in 48 hours by investing in amongst other things real estate.

Just think of the logic of this.

Yes, you can make a great deal of money by investing in real estate but returns on real estate can take years and years never 48 hours!

Cannabis is indeed a growth industry and buying shares in companies whose core business is associated with cannabis and cannabis products may well be a sound investment – OVER TIME!!!!!.

Never over 48 hours.

Ths web page was uploaded on 3rd Aril 2024. I will GUARANTEE with 100% certainty that Primera Capital will no longer exist in 3 months time. 

Companies like this seldom last more then 6 months.


Not all plan based investment companies are created equal

Rostex Global – the Rolls Royce of crytocurrency Ponzi schemes.

Rostex Global lasted around 12 months and then shut its doors with literally tens and possibly hundreds of millions of clients money deposited.

Watch this video and remember that EVERYTHING was fake.
The staff, the offices, the Apple Mac’s, the Rostex shirts….everything you see in this video was done to make it look as if Rostex Global was legitimate but it was all a scam.

There is a chasm of difference between Primera Capital who have spent hardly any money on a website an imbecile can see is fake offering ludicrous returns on non-sensical investment strategies and Rostex who clearly spent tens of thousands on their scam with the promise that clients deposits were invested in cryptocurrency projects with a sustainable return and this is important because the key to investing in Ponzi scams  is LONGEVITY!!!
I have absolutely no problem with using companies that offer plan returns because IT’S FREE MONEY!!!!
Just like arbitrage betting and why you need to be a member of OddsMonkey, if someone wants to give me free money I WILL TAKE IT and I have no guilt about doing so. 
And I have no problem telling anyone reading this, that if you want some free money by using a company that I am telling you is a scam and that you are doing so AT YOUR RISK, then I see no harm.
There aren’t people standing outside bookmakers stopping people from going in by saying “Don’t go in there – you might lose your money”.
Firstly w.t.f. right has ANYONE got to say that you shouldn’t use a company that may or may not be a scam?
Secondly, you can do whatever you choose to do with your own money. You can give it away if you want, spend it on booze and drugs or send it to a possibly dodgy company and get a return on it. 


Fidocap - a risk worth taking?

Fidocap is new. Very new. As I upload this webpage (3rd April), they haven’t even started taking deposits yet – they start taking deposits on 6th April.
I have some inside information about Fidocap ( the website developer is a contact of mine)  and from what I’m told, I believe they intend to be around for at least 12 months. 
To be fair , this means nothing and they may fold after 4 months but this is a company with a difference and there are genuinely unique aspects to Fidocap that I believe make it worth risking investing in.

Why I think Fidocap is worth looking at

Arguably the most convincing aspect of Fidocap and one that makes the company uique is the founder Horald Livani.
Many companies that offer plans will hijack the company details of another similar sounding company and masquerade as them.


companies house fidocap
Click the image to go to Companies House
Horald Livani
Click the image to go to Companies House
fidocapital ltd
Click the image to go to Companies House

Fidocap is a legitimate Companies House registered company with a named officer, founder Harold Livani so if Fidocap turns out to be a scam and it ceases trading with clinst money on the books then the man responsible isn’t going to be hard to find.

This is UNIQUE in my experience. It’s the first time I’ve ever seen a company that offer plans have  legitimate company certificate and registered with Companies House.

Evidence that Fidocap are here for the foreseeable future

This is a tour around the Fidocap offices. In the interests of openness and honesty I personally am skeptical about how genuine it is and its nowhere near as impressive as Rostex but that’s largely irrelevant. 
They’ve gone to the expense and trouble to make Fidocap as legitimate looking as they can and this all suggests that they will be around for a good few months so as I’m only interested in the question as to whether I can make money out of Fidocap and the answer is a definte yes, at least for the foreseeable future. 

YouTube Fidocap
Click the image to go to Fidocap's YouTube Channel

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What do betting on sporting events, trading the foreign exchange markets and investing in cryptocurrency have in common?

They are all gambling (and therefore risky) and they are all tax free!

This website is dedicated to reducing or even eliminating the risks associated with these 3 activities.



How is this possible?

Well, there’s no short answer to this but in a nut shell, you’ll need help.

You can beat the bookies with help from OddsMonkey.
You can beat the FX markets with sound money management techniques and you can mitigate the risks associated with cryptocurrency investing by learning how to carry due diligence and to recognize what is and what isn’t a scam.

Under each heading, I discuss in detail how to do this.
OddsMonkey is your introduction to arbitrage betting where you both back and lay the outcome of an event and in doing so you win no matter the outcome.

Under Bookies, I’ll explain why your average punter usually loses and why the bookies always win and how the game is fixed in the favour of the bookies by offering odds that don’t really reflect the market. 
Under Forex, I’ll explain how to trade the FX markets safely and eliminate or at least greatly reduce risk.

Under Cryprocurrency, I’ll show you how to avoid blatant scams and introduce you to cryptocurrency investing with both no risk and with little risk.

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