
It probably comes as no surprise to learn that sports betting is fixed.

Now, don’t get me wrong. The events aren’t fixed (usually!) but the market is fixed and its fixed in the bookies favour.

The odds they offer on the result of a horse race, a football game, a tennis match or any sporting event seldom refelct the true value of that market.

In other words if Kitty’s Pet is even money (fractional 1/1 or decimal 2.0) to win the 15:15 at Aintree, this doesn’t mean she has an ACTUAL even money chance of winnning. The bookies will have lowered her odds in order to extract more value out of the punter.
Because there are literally hundreds of betting opportunities in a day, occasionally the bookies offer odds that are FAVOURABLE to the punter.

The key is ARBITRAGE.

Everyone knows you can back a horse or a football team to win.
What many people don’t know is that you can LAY a horse or the football team NOT to win.

In the case of football, laying a football team not to win is not the same a betting on the other team TO win.

If Liverpool are playing Manchester United and you think that United won’t win the game then if you back Liverpool to win and they draw, then you lose the bet.

But if you go to the exchange and you lay United not to win this means that if Liverpool win OR DRAW the game then you win on the exchange because you’ve effectively  betting on United to neither won or draw.

This is known as LAY bettingand this is the key to arbitrage betting.

If the exchange is offering lower odds than the betting company, then you can win no matter the outcome of the event.

This is where OddsMonkey comes in.

OddsMonkey identifies betting opportunities where the exchange price is lower than the bookies price and this is where the advantage switches in YOUR favour. 

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